2023.03.08 Field experiment featured on FINDERS web media Our field experiment of the Sewer Pressure In-pipe Inspection Robot was featured on the FINDERS Web Media. Link to details. https://finders.me/articles.php?id=3594 地元から世界へ。「グラスルーツ・イノベーション」を全学的に推進 立命館大学 産学官連携戦略本部拠点|FINDERS 文:黒澤結衣約20年の活動ノウハウを携え、近畿地方の産学官地連携を牽引立命館大学では、産学官地連携を推進する「産学官連携... Tweet Share
2024.09.12 Professor Kakogawa gives speech at the joint celebration of the 70th Anniversary of Takarazuka City and the 30th Anniversary Symposium of the Tezuka Osamu Manga Museum 2024.09.12
2024.09.07 M2 Mr. Sekiya presents at the 42nd Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan 2024.09.07